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Eligibility Criteria


Eligibility Requirements

 To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria:

  • A Citizen or Permanent Resident of Trinidad and Tobago for no less than 3 years.
  • Currently studying for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) or equivalent or in at least your 5th year of high school
  • For placement at UWC Robert Bosch in 2025, one of these three criteria must also be met:
  1.        To be willing and ready to get involved in projects related to sustainability at the College, already           having a proven commitment from past activities and can provide testimonials about the need               for sustainable policies as well as the threats to sustainability in Trinidad and Tobago
  2.        Prepared and able to take the IBDP language course (German B) with prior knowledge of German,         preferably at around level B1 (intermediate).
  3.        Prepared and able to take the IB French language course (French A) at native-speaker level or can         show proof of language proficiency (minimum level B2 according to the CEFR).

Age: All UWC schools and colleges have similar age ranges that they can accept as students. However, there are slight variations between them.

For the offers available through the National Committee for Entry 2025-2027, applicants must be born between the following dates in order to be eligible for the respective Colleges:

Li Po Chun UWC in Hong Kong                            2007/08/31 – 2009/09/02

UWC Changshu China                                             2007/08/14 – 2010/08/16

UWC Costa Rica                                                         2007/08/06 – 2009/08/08

UWC Robert Bosch College in Germany           2007/02/27 – 2009/09/01


  1. Applications from students who meet the above-mentioned age criteria, but who are only in their 4th year of high school or younger students who are in at least their 5th year of high school may be considered at the discretion of the Selection Officer if their academic performance and school recommendations suggest that they will be able to meet the challenges of the IB curriculum. Such applicants will be advised that the Selection Committee’s ability to nominate them for a place will be dependent on whether the schools offering places are willing to accept students who would have spent less than 5 years in high school at the time of entry.
  2. Applications from older students with documented evidence of delayed / disrupted schooling due to circumstances beyond their control (e.g. significant learning disabilities, serious medical problems, wars, natural disasters) may be considered at the discretion of the Selection Officer.

These applicants should note that the Selection Committee’s ability to nominate them for a place will be dependent on whether the schools offering places to the National Committee are able to accept students who are older/younger than normal. The Committee will pay special attention to the emotional maturity of students who are younger than normal.


Please review the UWCTT Selection Policy for further details with respect to eligibility.


If you have any questions with respect to your eligibility, do not hesitate to email the UWCTT Chief Executive Officer at